Preview: Watson: The Final Problem, Theatre Royal Winchester

Sherlock Holmes fans can enjoy another Conan Doyle classic with Watson: The Final Problem at Theatre Royal Winchester on Thursday 4 May. A tale of buried secrets, betrayal and death set in 1894, Watson is alone in London as Sherlock Holmes and his beloved Mary are gone. The city...

Winchester Hat Fair to go ahead in 2023

Play to the Crowd, the arts and education charity that runs Hat Fair, has announced that Hat Fair 2023 will go ahead this summer, albeit in a smaller way. The charity learnt in November that it would no longer be funded by Arts Council England (ACE) as a National Portfolio Organisation...

Preview: Scummy Mummies: Greatest Hits, Theatre Royal Winchester

Devoted parents old and new and anyone celebrating being child-free can enjoy The Scummy Mummies: Greatest Hits at Theatre Royal Winchester later this month. Scummy Mummies, Ellie and Helen, take to the stage to mark a decade of scumminess – after years of touring their hit comedy show to...

Preview: Unbelievable Science, Theatre Royal Winchester

Family audiences are invited to a science spectacular from self-proclaimed magicians and time travelers, Morgan and West, as Unbelievable Science comes to Theatre Royal Winchester on Friday 14 April. Morgan and West – who describe themselves as all-round spiffing chaps with a secret past, and legitimately qualified scientists –...