By Nick Mabey. With relegation pretty much assured (if not mathematically certain yet) I found myself in reflective mood when taking my seat for the recent home game with so-called local rivals AFC Bournemouth. Reflecting on the strange feeling of having no pressure and expecting to lose. Reflecting on...
Articles with the Tag Saints
View from the Kinsgland: Sad inevitability
By Nick Mabey. Russell Martin’s unsurprising sacking as our manager this week gave me no pleasure at all. Optimism has always been a superpower/Achilles heel for me and I really wanted Martin to turn things round at Saints. I’ve been fighting myself about this for most of the season,...
Opinion: Why Stonewall’s Rainbow Laces Campaign matters
By Mabel Wellman. From the 16th November to the 4th December, Stonewall is having its annual Rainbow Laces Campaign to promote inclusion in sports. Various sporting organisations including the Premier League and England Lacrosse are taking part this year, as do thousands of regular people who put pairs of...
Heritage: New book explores Southampton FC history through song
A new book, Kick It: The Definitive Football Mixtape, explores Southampton FC history through song. Its author, Paul Brand, gives a preview. It’s probably best not to think about it too deeply. It’s just a song. A call to arms. A tribal anthem. And Southampton FC have had to...
View from the Kingsland – Que Sera, Sera…
By Nick Mabey. …whatever will be will be, we’re going to Wembley, que sera sera. Saints’ first ever play-off final awaits, for allegedly the richest game in football. To the winner a prize of multi-squillions of Premier League cash, to the loser well nothing. Could it feel much bigger?...
View from the Kingsland: Ruled by hope or fear?
Saints fan column by Nick Mabey. I’ve been wanting to write this for a while, but the games have come so thick and fast that it is been hard to squeeze it in. And Saints’ fortunes have remained tantalisingly unknown throughout. Every match now means something and yet...
View from the Kingsland: Russell’s Rollercoaster
By Nick Mabey. Am I the only one who thought the days of wild swings in emotion supporting Saints were over, at least for a while? Sure, it has been a turbulent summer in terms of players leaving and joining, but that was always going to be the case....
View from the Kingsland: Revolting referees
by Nick Mabey. The season is well underway now and there’s always much to talk about. A clampdown on time wasting and dissent is hitting the headlines, even managing to upstage VAR and the transfer window this year. I’m hoping it’s just the start of a refereeing revolution. At...
View from the Kingsland: Renewal Time
by Nick Mabey. I can usually tell how excited I am about the forthcoming season by how early I renew my season ticket. This year my deadline was 30th June, if I wanted to get the early bird discount, and I actually renewed on 20th. I reckon that’s about...