By Dan O’Farrell. A play-within-a-play is always good value, especially if it goes disastrously wrong. Shakespeare knew this well: he saved the whole last act of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ for the workmen’s hilariously inept production of ‘Pyramus and Thisbe’. In more recent times people have queued in...
Articles with the Tag Dial M for Mayhem
Preview: Dial M for Mayhem, Theatre Royal Winchester
Comedy theatre fans are invited to a play packed with drama and behind the scenes chaos when Dial M For Mayhem visits Theatre Royal Winchester from Tuesday 28 January to Saturday 1 February 2025. The play is set in 1991 and follows a group of travelling actors from south...
Preview: Dial M For Mayhem, Theatre Royal Winchester
Comedy theatre fans are invited to a play packed with drama and behind the scenes chaos with Dial M For Mayhem coming to Theatre Royal Winchester from Tuesday 28 January to Saturday 1 February 2025. The play is set in 1991 and follows a group of travelling actors from...