Hidden Gems Hampshire

By Anita Foxall.   It never ceases to amaze me when I meet incredible and talented people at the various spoken word events I attend. They are undoubtedly spaces for continuous inspiration. I met Stevina Southwell at one of those events, and after a joyous chat about poetry and...

Write a Note welcomes new poets

By Anita Foxall. Southampton is a city of culture, regardless of any formal titles, that is incontestable. As host of Write a Note, I have the privilege of welcoming poets and writers to share their work on a monthly basis, but I also attend and take part in other...

Winchester Poetry Day draws crowds of poetry lovers

Winchester Poetry Day drew crowds of poetry lovers to The ARC. Almost 300 tickets were sold for the day which aimed to celebrate poetry in its many forms. This year the well-versed and the poetry-curious travelled to Winchester from all over the UK, and from all over the world...

Review: Be Bright Be Bold by Rich Lansley

By Anita Foxall. Be Bright Be Bold is Rich Lansley’s first poetry collection. To support his publication he has also compiled a performance show where he reads some of his poems, but also engages with the audience with his warmth and wit. Rich’s poetry has been described as charming...

Placeholder Poetry Southampton returns after a sold out debut event

After a sold out debut event in January, Wire Wool Events and Placeholder Poetry return for the second in their series of innovative poetry performances. Three brand new poets bring their distinct voices to The Bookshop Alehouse, Southampton on Thursday 28th March for a night to challenge and delight. Placeholder is home for poetry readings of the...

Book Review: Vague Wisdom by Will Vigar

By Anita Foxall Will Vigar’s new poetry collection, Vague Wisdom, should be top of your shopping list  if you are looking for a good poetry book.  It is rich in images and memories, some borrowed from art and cinema, some very personal. Poetry has always been present in his...