Opinion: Trans Pride Southampton statement on puberty blockers

By Trans Pride Southampton. Recently it was announced that NHS England will no longer offer puberty blockers, primarily gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists but also other medicines, to transgender youths and youths who are uncertain about their gender. This news is upsetting to a lot of people, Trans Pride...

Opinion: schools should respect pupils’s gender identity

By Mabel Wellman, Trans Pride Southampton. We at Trans Pride Southampton directly oppose the non-statutory guidance the government have given on transgender pupils or pupils questioning their gender. The guidance released states the teachers must speak to parents if a pupil mentions they have a preferred name they would...

Reader’s letter: Southampton Citizen’s Climate Assembly

By Cllr John Savage. Today, Sunday 3 December, marks the end of the final meeting of the Southampton Citizens’ Climate Assembly.  Stretched over the last month or so, the council working with the University of Southampton, Involve UK and the Sortition Foundation, has been hosting meetings with over 40...

Opinion: Southampton Forward – really ?

by Charlie Hislop A few weeks ago the Southampton Culture Trust announced it is now to be known as Southampton Forward. The Facebook post said it was exciting news. I was excited for news too, I had been waiting months to find out what was happening. I was looking...

Reader’s letter: Let them eat turnips! 

by Charlotte Ndupuechi. It feels like we are falling down yet another rabbit hole of totally ridiculous situations in the UK. The Credit Crunch, the Bankers Crash, Covid and now the cost of living crisis. It seems the incompetent UK government are set to drive us from one absurd situation...