by anonymous I am writing this on Friday, 20 March, 2020. As things are changing so fast I thought I should put the date for some context. Well what a week it’s been. As they say it’s certainly been emotional! As a teacher and mother of two children, I...
Opinion Pieces
Opinion: could coronavirus give society the shock it needs?
by Charlotte Ndupuechi. At the last general election I felt hopeful we were about to see a change for the better. Knocking on peoples doors whilst canvassing, I got the feeling that people were starting to care about schools, social care, and the NHS particularly, and wanted to see...
Opinion: Austerity, Widening Health Inequalities and Falling Life Expectancy
by Councillor Dave Shields. Last week, Professor Sir Michael Marmot – commissioned by the independent think tank the Health Foundation – published a progress report into health inequalities following his seminal work Fairer Lives originally undertaken by the last Labour Government in 2010. Since that time he notes how...
Opinion: The Preston Model – an answer to local government cuts?
by Gary Hollands. The scale of Conservative cuts to local government has been devastating for council services. Central government has cut funding for councils by half since 2010. Southampton alone has lost £136.4 million over the last seven years. These cuts translate to the closure of nearly 800 libraries...
Opinion: why I believe anarchy is the way forward
by The Secret Anarchist Anarchy is all too often a term associated with smashing things up and having “no rules”. But if you scratch the surface you will find that it is not an absence of rules, but an absence of government that we seek. In fact, being organised...
Opinion: Seasonal cheer on Southampton Common
by Lewis MacLean. The old cemetery site on Southampton’s Common is quite an extraordinary place. It serves as both a historical monument and functions for people in the city to exercise, quietly reflect and sometimes even just cut through on the walk to work. It has been a vital...
Trans Day of Remembrance – remembering those who lost the battle
by Andi Maratos, Chrysalis CEO. The 20th November marks the day when trans people, and their allies, the world over take a moment to remember those whose lives have been lost through hate and transphobia over the last year. Being trans is not a lifestyle, it’s not a choice...
Why I’m taking part in the International Rebellion
by Christelle Blunden. Today is be the start of the biggest international campaign of peaceful civil disobedience ever. Ordinary people – scientists, doctors, mothers, grandparents, youths, Muslims, Christians, farmers..will take to the streets and put themselves at risk of arrest to try to create an environment in which there...
Opinion: adult social care services should be free
by Lorna Fielker. Councils up and down the country are struggling to meet the demand for social care. Years of central government underfunding and increases in demand due to an ageing population have forced social care to the brink of collapse. A year ago, Southampton City Council passed a...
Opinion: properly funded education is essential
by Charlotte Ndupuechi. As the new school year gets underway, with parents and carers setting their children into new classes and teachers eagerly planning for the year ahead, it’s an interesting time to reflect on the education system. The new prime minister Boris Johnson, has promised more money for...