The Point’s Christmas show, Cinderella’s Wellies, wows local primary school ahead of its 10 day run

The Point and The House of Many Moons’ Christmas production, Cinderella’s Wellies, captivated students from Norwood Primary School on Thursday during an exclusive preview performance. With its 10-day run at The Point, Eastleigh, which began on Saturday and runs through to New Year’s Eve – the show promises to...

Southampton actor stars in film The Mire

Antony Knight, from Southampton, is one of the stars of a film from a Portsmouth-based production team, Apple Park Films, currently streaming on Prime Video. Knight stars alongside Holly McLachlan, and Joseph Adelakun, in The Mire. The film is set on the  eve of a mass suicide as charismatic...

Experienced live music booker joins Lighthouse team

Lighthouse Poole has announced the appointment of John Blakeley as Music Programmer, working as part of their programming team. John started his career in Bristol promoting gigs at various venues including Thekla, The Canteen and The Wardrobe Theatre before establishing his own concert promotions company, Ear Trumpet Music. He...

Southampton gets guys dancing

Southampton is home to ZoieLogic Dance Theatre, a nationally acclaimed dance organisation who has been challenging who dance is for, where and how you experience it for 24 years. They have specialised in initiatives aimed at getting men and boys dancing since their beginning. Their latest offers include something...