Southampton gets guys dancing

Southampton is home to ZoieLogic Dance Theatre, a nationally acclaimed dance organisation who has been challenging who dance is for, where and how you experience it for 24 years. They have specialised in initiatives aimed at getting men and boys dancing since their beginning. Their latest offers include something...

Southampton NHS Trust sees hundreds patients diagnosed with tooth decay amid dentist appointment troubles

Photo Cottonbro Studio. As getting a dentist appointment seemingly becomes harder and harder, Southampton hospitals have diagnosed hundreds of patients with dental issues. More than 450 patients have been diagnosed with issues attributed to tooth decay in Southampton hospitals over the past three years, a new investigation has revealed....

Mayfield Garden Centre temporarily closes for refurbishment

Mayfield Garden Centre, part of Hampshire’s largest mental health charity, Solent Mind, has closed for refurbishments.  The not-for-profit garden centre and horticultural wellbeing service, which supports members of the local community with their mental health, is undergoing maintenance work to ensure its readiness for winter and to be able...

Charity’s service users help with medical research feedback

A Southampton charity working with the elderly and vulnerable is helping the University of Southampton with a community engagement project about the findings it has made in medical research. Communicare is collaborating with the University and Southampton Voluntary Services so service users and volunteers can participate in a series of community research sessions...