by Chris Richards. What happened when a Southampton family of four tried to go cold turkey on buying plastic for a fortnight? Chris Richards reports. Plastics! Everyone has an opinion about them and no single solution is going to work universally. The issues surrounding plastics, as are reported widely,...
Is it transformation or the end of the road for Southampton’s Art House?
by Sally Churchward. It is central to Southampton’s grassroots arts scene. But is it the end of the line for The Art House? The Art House has helped a lot of people in the 12 years since it was started by a group of creative individuals, who recognised a...
The big Southampton Christmas quiz
by Martin Brisland. A Christmas quiz to help entertain you and your guests over the festive period. Simply answer true or false to the questions below. The answers are at the bottom, so no cheating! The last public tram service was on New Years Eve 1949. After the...
My NHS story: Free at the point of need
by Martin Brisland. Saturday 15th July 2017 was a day to remember. Well it would be if only I could remember it. I know it was morning, I was in bed and a thunderclap pain hit in the back of my head. I recall taking two paracetamol and lying...
Supporting refugees and asylum seekers at Southampton & Winchester Visitors Group
by Neil Merrick. It was six in the morning when Lesley Sheldon-Browning and Nyala left Southampton for a day trip to Liverpool about two years ago. For Lesley, the journey had begun an hour earlier when she left her home outside the city to pick up Nyala...
Clearing the air in Southampton
by Alex Thurley-Ratcliff. There’s an internet meme going around which runs, “I grew up during a time when everyone went outside to play in the fields, built dens and climbed trees, we got dirty, bathed on Sunday” and it rambles on about drinking tap water, whittling conkers and being...
Artist, poet, musician & dad Greg Gilbert on his need to create
by Sally Churchward. Greg Gilbert first made a name for himself as the frontman of indie pop band Delays, but in recent years returned to his originally intended career, art. Since his first exhibition, in 2013, he has made a name for himself as an accomplished artist and, more...
Photo gallery: LeftFest at the 1865 Club, Southampton
Southampton’s biggest LeftFest event yet, held today (Saturday, October 19) at the 1865 Club was pronounced a huge success. The event saw performers such as Southampton Ukulele Jam, Two Left Feet theatre company, spoken word artist Potent Whisper and Tom Walker, better known as his fictitious disgruntled news reader...
Football & politics: St Pauli’s Southampton supporters
by Sally Churchward. IT’S a Monday evening in a Southampton pub and a group of football fans are gathering to watch the big game. A flag is hung from a wall, team scarves are unfurled and jackets are removed to reveal tops emblazoned with the team’s logo. It’s a...
Jeremy Corbyn & Rebecca Long-Bailey in Southampton
by Sally Churchward. Jeremy Corbyn pledged to set up a ‘people’s power company’ to ‘give power to the people’ once his party is in government. The statement concluded his speech to the capacity crowd of Labour Party members at Southampton’s 1865 club on Wednesday, October 9, and was met...