by Martin Brisland. A record of a unique moment in time by photographer Katherine Mills. We have all been affected by the coronavirus pandemic in some way. For a local photographer who would typically be earning from weddings and family occasions at this time of year it means creative...
Directory of businesses in and around Southampton currently operating
by Frances Churchward, additional research by Georgina Morgan. In these very frightening times, one thing that has given a spark of positivity is people coming together as communities and supporting one another. People have stayed in their homes for weeks on end, not only for their own sakes, but...
7 Ways To Cope During Challenging Times
By Cheryl Rickman, During challenging times, we may not be able to control our circumstances but we can control our response. Positive Psychology Practitioner and Author of The Little Book of Resilience, Cheryl Rickman explores how to make the most of the situation we find ourselves in during Lockdown...
Photos of much loved locations in Eling
by Mike Daish. I am confined to my flat at the moment and have been inside for almost four weeks now. To pass some of the time I am looking at old photos and enjoying the memories they invoke. Something I do regularly is go out on little cycle...
10 reasons to be cheerful about Southampton
by Martin Brisland. We 260,000 Sotonians are lucky to live in such a wonderful part of the country. Here are ten reasons to be proud of our home city and some activities to look forward to when we come out of lockdown. Heritage The Romans, Saxons, Vikings and the...
The Southampton hobbyist producing PPE for the NHS in his garage
by Sally Churchward. As the full horror of the coronavirus crisis and, specifically, how under equipped our hospitals and unprotected frontline staff are, Damien Long knew he could help. The former advertising agency project manager spent much of his spare time creating and sometimes even designing replicas of props...
Looking back on Southampton’s historic music scene.
by Martin Brisland. I recently reviewed Million Dollar Quartet at The Mayflower for In Common and it set me thinking. The musical is set at Sun Records studio in Memphis and chronicles December 4th 1956. By chance,on that distant Tuesday, Elvis Preseley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee...
March in photos
by Mike Daish. I took my camera out with me around Eling, and in Southampton centre, catching the arrival of spring, at the same time as coronavirus also sweeps into the area. The first three photos were taken at Eling near the little toll bridge and tide mill. These...
How historical pandemics have affected Southampton.
by Martin Brisland. The current Coronavirus pandemic is obviously worrying but such major health events are sadly nothing new. Southampton has been an important port for centuries but the passage of many people through it from all over the world means that it is prone to importing diseases. In...
Hampshire People’s Pride – bringing politics to the party
by Sally Churchward. Last summer saw the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising – a series of spontaneous demonstrations by members of the LGBTQ+ community against a police raid at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan. They were long frustrated by police brutality and were fighting back. For Jake Radwell,...