Suburban Safari: Testwood Lakes   

by Katie Isham Just off an industrial estate in the western corner of Southampton, there’s an entrance to a beautiful magical kingdom. Not where you’d expect to find some magic, but believe me, it’s there. Tucked away past the plumbing merchants and self-storage, you’ll find a safari worthy of...

Suburban Safari: Bridges and Changes

by Katie Isham. It’s that time of year when every passing day brings a new hue to the landscape. The colours and the position of the leaves change with every blustery wind or cold snap. It’s that time of year to go and witness the passing of the days....

Suburban Safari: Pine Walk    

by Katie Isham. September is a busy time. Everyone has so many things to do yet the days are dwindling to do them in. So join me this week for a power walk though some pines. But just because it’s a shorter walk, doesn’t mean it’s any less exciting...