By Katie Isham. In the midst of a cold, dark winter, any bright, sunny days are heralded like the returning hero after a battle; the second coming of a messiah. Any appearance of the sun from behind the great, grey shroud we currently live under, and we must make...
Suburban Safari
Suburban Safari: A tree is for life
By Katie Isham. There’s been so much tree exposure over the past few weeks. The shiny ones, the sparkly ones, the pink ones. But it’s all unearthed a deep-rooted need to commune with some more natural trees. Do you ever get the urge to walk among the trees? Drop...
Suburban Safari: Ladies Walk, Thornhill
By Katie Isham. Let’s go back in time a little, to the late 19th century. Thornhill Park was still an estate, but a sprawling parkland one of over 400 acres. It was initially formed by Michael Hoy, later passed to his widow, Elizabeth and then after her death, to...
Suburban Safari: Minstead Meanderings
Words and pictures by Katie Isham. Someday, we’ll go on a walk that doesn’t involve consecrated ground, but that day is not today my friends. This walk meanders through a graveyard, past some of the greatest oaks known to exist and possibly the greatest country gate vista ever viewed. ...
Suburban Safari: Hollybrook Cemetery
By Katie Isham. Cemeteries are for everyone. The dead shouldn’t get the monopoly. They are beautiful places and perfect for a wander or a sit. Two of my very favourite things. In the heart of Southampton, at the centre of a triangle made of the hospitals, the woods and...
Suburban Safari: Wildern Moor
By Katie Isham. A walk through the moors seems like a good idea, until you have to load up backpacks and drive the busy country lanes to the wilderness. Well, here’s the simple solution: take a winter trip to our local moor in the suburbs. Only as far as...
Suburban Safari: Freemantle Common
Words and images by Katie Isham. We’ve just had National Tree Week (25 November – 3 December) . I know what you’re thinking: surely every week is tree week? Indeed, it should be. But it’s not. So this seems like the perfect excuse to celebrate the wondrous trees in...
Suburban Safari Suburban Safungi
By Katie Isham. With the daylight hours fleeing and biblical downpours part of our daily routines, conditions are perfectly ripe for mushroom season. Abundance is the word on the street. Maybe not the street, but the soggy, boggy woodland trails. The fungi explosion is happening right now and you...
Suburban Safari: St. James’ Park
By Katie Isham. Of all the parks in the city of Southampton, St. James’ Park in Shirley may be my favourite. Don’t tell the others. But there’s a certain something about this one that makes it impossible not to love. Maybe there’s bias in the fact it’s home to...
Suburban Safari: Lost in Westwood
By Katie Isham. It’s the end of the summer holidays. What’s everyone been up to? Some people go cruising round the Caribbean. Some people go sightseeing through Italian villages. But the wisest people go for the most exotic locations around: exploring the wild woods of Southampton. On the eastern...