Suburban Safari: Wildern Moor  

By Katie Isham. A walk through the moors seems like a good idea, until you have to load up backpacks and drive the busy country lanes to the wilderness. Well, here’s the simple solution: take a winter trip to our local moor in the suburbs. Only as far as...

Suburban Safari: Freemantle Common 

Words and images by Katie Isham.  We’ve just had National Tree Week (25 November – 3 December) . I know what you’re thinking: surely every week is tree week? Indeed, it should be. But it’s not. So this seems like the perfect excuse to celebrate the wondrous trees in...

People’s Pride: there’s no place for transphobia

By People’s Pride Southampton. In their latest column, People’s Pride Southampton looks at the impact of transphobia on transgender people and the wider community, ahead of Trans Day of Remembrance on November 20. In the current political landscape, a heated debate rages over the rights and protections afforded to...

Suburban Safari Suburban Safungi     

By Katie Isham. With the daylight hours fleeing and biblical downpours part of our daily routines, conditions are perfectly ripe for mushroom season.  Abundance is the word on the street. Maybe not the street, but the soggy, boggy woodland trails. The fungi explosion is happening right now and you...