reviewed by Frances Churchward. This book gives a factual account by Aleaxandra Fuller of her life growing up in southern Africa. At the start of the story, Alexandra has flown from Wyoming, where she has lived since 1994, to Budapest in order to be at the bedside of her...
Book review: The Pact We Made by Layla AlAmmar
reviewed by Frances Churchward. The Pact We Made is the author’s first novel . The story is told by Dahlia, the younger daughter of well-off Kuwaiti parents. Dahlia is approaching her thirtieth birthday and her mother is anxious that she should marry as she fears that Dahlia is in...
Book review: Hollow in the Land by James Clarke
reviewed by Frances Churchward. Hollow in the Land is a collection of short stories about life in a Lancashire valley. All of the tales are narrated in the first person and include stories about a range of people. The actual settings for most of the stories are within the...
Book review: Paper Avalanche by Lisa Williamson
Reviewed by Frances Churchward. This is a story about a fourteen year old girl named Ro who lives with her single mother, Bonnie. Bonnie, who appears to be unconcerned about her daughter’s wellbeing, neglects Ro. Bonnie is a hoarder so that the house is filled with paper to the...
Book Review: Year of the Monkey by Patti Smith
reviewed by Andrew Godsell. Patti Smith has long been one of the most original women in rock music, appearing on the scene with her debut album, Horses, way back in 1975. Smith’s records have often included poetic pieces, and she has complemented them with the publication of several books...
Book review: Come Join Our Disease by Sam Byers
reviewed by Frances Churchward. Let me say right at the outset that I detested this book. With most books, I find that I am able to struggle through to the end even if I am not greatly enjoying it. However, with this book,it disgusted me and I had to...
Children’s book aims to boost self-esteem and highlight what we have in common
By Charlie Hislop and Sarah Phoenix. ‘Where are we going?’ is the most gorgeous children’s book by Southampton’s self-esteem champion Vie Portland! It’s all about imagination and adventure, which all of us love… It just happens that the main character is disabled. This book is so important because rather...
Book Review: Wilthaven by Oli Jacobs
reviewed by Will Vigar. Every now and again, a book comes along that, once finished, you put down, take a deep breath and think “What the *bleep* have I just read?” This isn’t a bad thing. The premise of Wilthaven is classic: other dimensions and realities rub against ours,...
Review: Hot Jazz Special by Jonny Hannah
reviewed by Charlie Hislop. Can you do jazz without sound? Hot Jazz Special comes very close. In sketches, painting, words, and colours it captures all the excitement; the buzz, the characters, and the clubs. Featuring jazz greats like Billie Holliday, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington and more while mixing song...
Book Review: Tales From Our Living Room by The Children of Hampshire
Tales from Our Living Room: The Children’s Isolation Book Project written by The Children of Hampshire, edited and compiled by Juliette Jones. reviewed by Chris Richards. 2020 has brought the words ‘uncertainty’ and ‘unprecedented’ into daily conversation and if you don’t hear at least one of these in a...