Sally Churchward

Veganuary budget meal plan – part 1

by Joy Richardson. Every year The Vegan Society promotes January as a time to try being vegan and many people enjoy the challenge of taking part. However whether you want to try joining in with Veganuary, or would just like to incorporate more meat free meals into your diet,...

SOS NHS march and rally being held in Southampton this weekend.

AN SOS NHS march and rally is being held in Southampton city centre on Saturday, January 28. A spokesperson said: “The NHS crisis is a crisis of government. The Tory government are quick to blame everyone and everything but themselves for the current crisis they have created in our...

Southampton charity combating loneliness with intergenerational event

In an effort to combat loneliness and bring generations together, a Southampton charity is hosting intergenerational events, allowing people to expand their social contact and make new friends.  Communicare is trialling an intergenerational event at St Mary’s Primary School on Ascupart Street from Monday, January 30 from 10am-12 noon,...

Short story: Automatic Zen Garden

by Damian Bemben. “One can accomplish something only so long as one cannot accomplish everything” – Stanislaw Lem, The Cyberiad swish swosh swash it felt at peace. the motor slowly turned. Methodically. Within the large garden next to the perfectly uniform bonsai trees, cut by the artificial gardener and...