Sally Churchward

April Under the Covers: World Book Night and more

by Carolyn Thomas.  This month In Common books editor Carolyn Thomas celebrates World Book Night.   It’s World Book Night on 23 April – an annual celebration of reading for pleasure, honouring books, and the difference they make to our wellbeing. Organised by The Reading Agency, a national charity...

In celebration of Transgender Day of Visibility

Today is Transgender Day of Visibility. Here, two transgender women, Nic Beck and Mabel Wellman, share why the day is so important.   by Nic Beck. Today (March 31) is Transgender Day of Visibility, a day where we celebrate all people who identify under the trans umbrella. A day...

Southampton listings 28 March – 3 April

Runners across Southampton have been in training for months or more ahead of this weekend’s ABP Southampton Marathon and related events. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed for good weather for the runners and their supporters as they pound the streets of the city on Sunday. If you’re looking...