Sally Churchward

Suburban Safari: Lost in Westwood 

By Katie Isham. It’s the end of the summer holidays. What’s everyone been up to? Some people go cruising round the Caribbean. Some people go sightseeing through Italian villages. But the wisest people go for the most exotic locations around: exploring the wild woods of Southampton.  On the eastern...

Enabled allotments action day in St Denys this weekend

A Southampton community group  is working to create the only enabled allotment specially designed for residents with disabilities and special needs in the city. They are holding a community action day tomorrow, Sunday, September 3rd, from 11am to 4pm at st Denys station. All are welcome. They need help...

Southampton listings: August 29 to September 4

Image: Dlugokecki photographed at Victorious Festival by Paul Floyd. As the school holidays draw to a close there’s still loads to do in and around Southampton. Chris, the man behind Shop Local Southampton and whose listings we share, has picked out some of his favourites: – The Arches Open...

Review and photos: Southampton Pride

By Joy McKay This weekend (26th August) saw the return of the annual Southampton Pride march and festival, the 8th hosted in the city. The theme of the event this year was protest in order to remind people of the grassroots origins of Pride and that whilst rights for...