Sally Churchward

Southampton march for Day of Action for Climate Justice this weekend

Activists from Friends of the Earth and Extinction Rebellion are calling for immediate government action on climate change with a march on Saturday, 9th December in Southampton. The march is part of an international day of action by the Climate Justice Coalition, with events happening across the globe. The...

Paul Weller coming to Poole Lighthouse in spring

Paul Weller has announced a full UK tour for 2024 with 14 dates lined up through April, including Poole Lighthouse on the 4th April. This year has seen Paul’s tour schedule taken up with extensive travels around Europe peppered with a handful of UK Forest Live shows and a...

Suburban Safari: Freemantle Common 

Words and images by Katie Isham.  We’ve just had National Tree Week (25 November – 3 December) . I know what you’re thinking: surely every week is tree week? Indeed, it should be. But it’s not. So this seems like the perfect excuse to celebrate the wondrous trees in...

Southampton listings 5 – 11 December

By Neil Glasspool. Image by Stuart Martin. Over the last few weeks you may have detected a degree of Christmas-curmudgeonliness in the listings. Well, it turns out we’re only human after all. And if there’s anything to melt our cold heart and get us diving into the Christmas spirit...

Interview: Everybody’s Talking About Jamie’s Ivano Turco

By Hugh Montgomery. Everybody’s Talking About Jamie comes to Southampton’s Mayflower Theatre in January. Ivano Turco who stars in the title role talks about the affinity he feels for the role. In his short career so far, super-talented musical theatre star Ivano Turco has already demonstrated formidable range: having...