Sally Churchward

Creative writing: On Weston Shore

by Charlie Hislop. ON WESTON SHORE “Stand.” A strong word and the hooves quieted on the tarmac. The horse’s head rears up and dips, shaking out a thick mane and rattling its bridle irons, then stills as it looks out across the shore to where the low tide has...

Recipe: beetroot chutney

by Jean Glasspool. It’s beetroot season. This is an excellent recipe for anyone who has a glut of beetroot thanks to their allotment or back garden plot. It makes a delicious savory chutney that keeps well. These quantities make four to five jars full. Scale the ingredients up or...

Suburban Safari: A Tale of Three Bridges

by Katie Isham. Join our travel writer on her close to home expeditions. Southampton is bisected by the glorious River Itchen and so it’s a city of two halves. The mighty East Side and its marginally less mighty cousin, the West Side. I couldn’t possibly disclose which side I...

Super easy vegan upside down pear cake

by Sally Churchward. This is a great recipe to make with small children, as once you’ve blended the pears, you just put all the ingredients (except the pears for the bottom/top) into a bowl and mix. Ingredients: 300ml pear puree – blend pears to make this. How many pears...

People in Common: Jim Chorley

by Martin Brisland. Jim Chorley – acoustic/folk singer-songwriter from Southampton. They say you should write about what you know. ‘Painting Circles in the Corn’ is certainly that. It is Jim Chorley’s song which immortalises an amazing family story. In 1991 Doug Bower and Jim’s father, Dave Chorley, from Southampton,...

Southampton’s Speakers’ Corner

by Martin Brisland. Did you know that Southampton has its own Speakers’ Corner? It is located in Hoglands Park, the second largest of our Central Parks. Situated near the former Debenhams store it is complete with dias and railings. Today people use social media to voice their opinions. The...

Creative writing: Flatten Your Enemies

by Tom Husband. If the spirit of adventure had led me into my unfortunate meeting with Randall, I might have handled it better. I’d strayed off the beaten path down a gloomy alleyway that ran between the back of the science block and the perimeter of our lavish school...