Sally Churchward

Why Gender Identity Matters in 2020 at the Chrysalis conference

This year’s Chrysalis  annual conference will be online ‘live’ on November 27. The Hampshire charity supports transgender and questioning people, and their families and close friends. This year’s event will have speakers, discussion groups and opportunities to meet people who can inspire, educate and inform you about ‘Why Gender...

Opinion: the greening of Southampton

by Martin Brisland. Southampton is quite literally a green park city. Thanks to Victorian foresight, it has the second highest acreage of green city spaces in England with its well maintained central parks, Greenways and 365 acre Common. We are also going green through initiatives such as Zedify, an...

Opinion: from shielding to shop floor – going back to work

by a Southampton worker. A Southampton worker shares their experiences of returning to work following shielding due to the coronavirus pandemic. They have chosen to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions from their employer. They have been shielding and don’t feel safe at work but fear speaking out could...

Creative writing: Parking Level 4 (ish)

In Common has launched a regular platform for people to share creative writing – short stories, observations, poem etc. Please get in touch if you would like your work to be featured: by Oli Jacobs.   If there is a Hell, then no better is it defined that...

Photos: beautiful distractions

by Mike Daish. I am slowly starting to go out with my camera more often after getting back into the routine of being at work again.  In these difficult and worrying times, it is wonderful to have the distraction of walking around taking photos of the many beautiful things...