by anonymous. There is a very thin line that holds the fabric of our lives together. Things can change at any minute. These are my reflections from the perspective of going through the journey alongside a person with cancer. The Second World War broke out on 3rd September in...
Book review: Come Join Our Disease by Sam Byers
reviewed by Frances Churchward. Let me say right at the outset that I detested this book. With most books, I find that I am able to struggle through to the end even if I am not greatly enjoying it. However, with this book,it disgusted me and I had to...
Suburban Safari: Woodmill wander
by Katie Isham. At least once a week I treat myself to a walk to work through Woodmill in Southampton. Sometimes more when the roadworks are rampant. But it’s never for very long. So I thought I would give myself time when I wasn’t racing the clock for a...
Children’s book aims to boost self-esteem and highlight what we have in common
By Charlie Hislop and Sarah Phoenix. ‘Where are we going?’ is the most gorgeous children’s book by Southampton’s self-esteem champion Vie Portland! It’s all about imagination and adventure, which all of us love… It just happens that the main character is disabled. This book is so important because rather...
Opinion: Looking back on the eleventh hour of the eleventh month.
by Roger Townsend. We are living through one of the most extraordinary and unsettling years of our lifetime and as we are now around that almost mystical time of the ‘eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month’ it is perhaps appropriate to look back at some...
Protest to end ‘child holiday hunger’ at Romsey Tory MP’s office
by Melodie Walter. Campaigners left empty plates outside the office of Romsey and Southampton North MP, Caroline Nokes, after she voted against free school meals. A number of protestors from the local Labour party members, teachers and residents left 50 empty plates outside of her office, in the Market...
Suburban Safari: Southampton Old Cemetery
by Katie Isham. As Halloween is almost upon us, I thought it would be apt to go on a spooky Suburban Safari – a Cemetery Safari if you will. And the largest, and if I may dare to say, the most dramatic cemetery in the city is Southampton Old...
Identifying outside the boxes – non-binary people share their journeys of self-identification
by Sally Churchward. “I’d draw my own box and tick that.” B Parsons, a gender queer non-binary drip artist and performance poet from Winchester. They/their/them. “Before, I tried out different terms for myself, but I didn’t identify with them. When non-binary was put to me, I realised ‘That’s my...
A Spooktacular St Denys
Residents of St Denys, Southampton, are being asked to join in a spooktacular pumpkin carving event for Halloween. Kids, young and old are being encouraged to put up spooky artwork and pictures in front windows as well as carve pumpkins in time for Halloween. Anyone can join in by...
Why Gender Identity Matters in 2020 at the Chrysalis conference
This year’s Chrysalis annual conference will be online ‘live’ on November 27. The Hampshire charity supports transgender and questioning people, and their families and close friends. This year’s event will have speakers, discussion groups and opportunities to meet people who can inspire, educate and inform you about ‘Why Gender...