by Satvir Kaur. In a time of lockdown and January blues, Joe Biden’s inauguration gives us all something to look forward to and be optimistic. Four years ago today, I joined an anti-Trump rally in Southampton. I remember being surprised but comforted by how many had come. While coming...
Opinion: Important elections this year
by Tony Bunday. What a year we have had since the last elections in December 2019. Brexit done, 12 months to sort out a trade deal, and of course the Covid-19 virus taking loved ones from us, separating us from others, and severely disrupting our lives and freedoms. We...
Suburban Safari: Hatch Grange
by Katie Isham. In the current lockdown and amid rising fear in this wave of the pandemic, we are torn. Torn between staying away from other people or finding some space outside to get some fresh air. Obviously we all want to stay safe and distance ourselves from others...
Fitness: positive pregnancy, avoiding stretch marks, swelling and weight gain
by Gen Preece. Thank you so much for all your kind and positive feedback for part one! Writing it seems like a lifetime ago now and I’m now even more excited to return to personal training and boot camp where I’ll be working with a lot more pre and post...
Heritage: Thomas Lewis, from docker’s son to Southampton’s first Labour MP
by Martin Brisland. Thomas ‘Tommy’ Lewis (1873-1962) was born in St Mary’s, the son of a dock worker from Jersey. At the age of eleven he became an apprentice watchmaker. From an early age he was involved in the emergent local and national labour movement. In 1901 became Southampton’s...
Celebrating 40 years of music in Southampton with Stick it Where?
by Geoff Wall. January 2021 sees Southampton’s very own STICK IT IN YOUR EAR! musical enterprise celebrate its 40th anniversary with the publication of STICK IT WHERE? – the illustrated history of Stick It In Your Ear! ….and other true stories – a 500+ page CD-rom e-book that’s directly...
Opinion: stay moving and stay well
by Eleanor van der Hoest. “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950) Are you beginning to find everyday movements a challenge? Or are you starting to get little signs that all is not well...
Fitness: pregnancy choices
by Gen Preece. Written two days before I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Viviana Milly Preece, dedicated to everyone pregnant during Covid19 And that, my beautiful readers is why things have been a bit quiet from me! These past 17 months since becoming a mum have been some...
Suburban Safari: Weston Shore
by Katie Isham. On New Year’s Day, I’ve taken to undertaking a “Big Walk”. One involving a big drive followed by a long walk, preferably by the sea, incorporating a stop for a hefty calorie intake before going home to warm up in the way you can only when...
Book review: Travel Light, Move Fast by Alexandra Fuller
reviewed by Frances Churchward. This book gives a factual account by Aleaxandra Fuller of her life growing up in southern Africa. At the start of the story, Alexandra has flown from Wyoming, where she has lived since 1994, to Budapest in order to be at the bedside of her...