Sally Churchward

Suburban Safari: Eling Loop  

by Katie Isham. If you’ve followed these Suburban Safaris for any distance, you’ll know I have a fondness for the friendless. Of course I love a picture postcard view and a garden in splendid bloom. But I often find the real jewel in the ugly. Or what may be...

Opinion: What is Positive Money and why support it?

by Phil Tyler. Positive Money is campaigning for a fair, democratic and sustainable money system that works for society, not one that is dividing us. As citizens of the U.K., our country and our Bank of England creates money on our behalf so that we can trade, share, live...

Pride returns to Southampton this weekend

Southampton Pride returns to Guildhall Square on Saturday (August 28). Featuring live music, entertainment, a market and more, the event is a celebration of the city’s LGBT+ community. This year’s event features a new parade route. The parade will leave Queen’s Park at 11am, heading onto Brinton Street. It...

Preview: Blood Brothers at Mayflower Theatre, Southampton

by Catherine Collins. Bill Kenwright‘s legendary production of the international smash hit musical Blood Brothers returns to the stage of the Mayflower Theatre from September 7-11 2021. The much-loved musical, which performed to sell-out houses and standing ovations on its most recent UK tour in 2019-2020, features Lyn Paul’s...

Controversy as Southampton city centre meadows cut

by Sally Churchward. Southampton residents have taken to social media to express their horror at the meadows outside the city’s Civic Centre being cut. The sight of the much loved meadows being cut to the ground provoked outcry amongst those who feared a much-loved area of urban wildlife was...

Creative writing: poetry by Meg Sherman

Meg Sherman has been writing poetry since 2016, and has since written more than 1000 poems. Meg says: ” I always longed to write blistering romantic poetry that transcends the realm of the mortal and is forged in divine fire, but I didn’t have the necessary creative flow, until...

Southampton’s first Sapphic Cafe takes place tonight

by Sally Churchward. Southampton’s Sapphic Cafe launches tonight, with it’s first ever event. Sapphic Cafe is a social group specifically for people who identify as sapphic. The aim of the group is to provide a a dry (non alcoholic) space modelled loosely on lesbian cafe culture where people are...

Suburban Safari: The Secret Garden 

by Katie Isham. If I told you that this Suburban Safari visits Valley Gardens, would you know where we are? I’m not sure many residents of Southampton could point it out on a map. But I guess that’s the thing with secrets; there’s always an element of secrecy.  Small...