Sally Churchward

If personalities were books, which would you be?

By Laura McCarthy. I’m sure some of you will admit to completing personality quizzes in magazines as a child or possibly an online Myers-Briggs questionnaire as an adult. Maybe you enjoy learning what your star sign says about you. Yes, there’s certainly something appealing about the idea of discovering...

Music in the City to make a splash with the Hythe Ferry!

By Nick Mabey. There are only a few days to go now until the biggest free music event ever!  Well I’m probably exaggerating but it certainly feels that way with 1703 artists forming 302 acts to give 326 performances at 60 venues (you can tell I’ve been on the...

Review: Lauran Hibberd, The Joiners, Southampton

By Vicky Greer. The warm, welcoming glow that greets you when you walk into The Joiners seems to burn even brighter tonight (22/09/2024) in anticipation of Lauran Hibberd’s return to the stage. It’s like the building has absorbed the comforting vibe of Lauran’s always-relatable lyricism and energetic pop-rock sound....