Independent alternative-rock and metal festival Takedown will make its return in 2023, landing at Portsmouth Guildhall on Saturday 8th April. After an eight-year hiatus, the much-loved festival is making a comeback with an impressive lineup, a new venue and an outdoor stage added for the first time. Moving from...
Southampton’s Interesting Wallpaper release debut EP
by Anita Foxall. March 2020 was certainly unforgettable for us all. But this is also the date that marked the beginning of Interesting Wallpaper, a Southampton based band who have now released their first EP. Pete Harvey, the lead singer and song writer, explained they started as a trio,...
Reader’s Letter: there’s no excuse for hate speech against autistic people
Since Andrew Tate made THAT tweet and got burned by Greta Thunberg big time I’ve seen a massive increase in really nasty vitriol towards #actuallyautistic people. It’s almost like non-autistic people think we can’t read or don’t have feelings and can’t be hurt by the stuff they’re saying. We’re...
Poem: Who’s up for a New Year’s Day walk?
by Katie Isham. Who’s up for a New Year’s Day walk? Blow the cobwebs away Start the new year afresh Fill the lungs with January air Who’s up for a New Year’s Day walk? …Mum Whatsapped the family group, alongside a boot emoji, A circuit...
A trip around Southampton on a Voi e-scooter
by Nathan Goldsmith. Forgive me, walkers, for this piece will only take you on a walk as far as your nearest Voi e- scooter dock. The rest of your day is going to be spent on two wheels at a leisurely pace of 12.5kmph. If the last two words...
Reader’s letter: please respond to the Southampton City Vision consultation
I am writing to urge all Southampton residents to respond to the Southampton City Vision consultation by 3rd January! It’s your chance to say how you would like to future proof the City. At Transition Southampton we’ve put together a handy guide: Southampton Local Plan Consultation ( – just...
Review: Alice, a Musical Adventure in Wonderland, MAST Mayflower Studios, Southampton, December 2022
by Neil Glasspool. Alice, a Musical Adventure in Wonderland is a youth production packed with sing-along hits, big dance routines and plenty of feelgood factor, but perhaps the most impressive aspect of all is the size of the cast. Featuring an ensemble cast of more than 50, largely made...
Southampton event listings: 20 December – 1 January
Not wishing to freak out anyone who hasn’t finished (or started) their preparations but Christmas is this week – Sunday in fact. So obviously we’re in full Christmas swing. This week’s listings, courtesy of our friends at Shop Local Southampton, carry us all the way into the New Year,...
Heritage: remembering when Christmas REALLY was cancelled
by Martin Brisland. Did you know that Christmas was cancelled in the mid 1600s? Oliver Cromwell, a statesman and general responsible for leading the parliamentary army against the Royalist forces during the English Civil War, took over England in 1645. He believed it was his mission to cleanse the...
Applause! In Common launches new section to celebrate amateur dramatics and more
by Martin Brisland, amateur dramatics editor. In Common has been featuring professional theatre previews and reviews for some years now. As a community based online publication, we are expanding to working with local amateur companies in 2023 for a new Applause! section. This region has an excellent reputation for...