Refresh your autumn wardrobe ethically with Southampton November clothes swap

Refresh your autumn wardrobe ethically with Southampton November clothes swap

Give your wardrobe an autumn/winter refresh without damaging the environment through fast fashion with Southampton’s November clothes swap on November 5.

The clothes swap will be held from noon to 3pm at Mercantile Flea market , an emporium of antiques and vintage clothing with a variety of curious and quirky stalls in the heart of Bitterne.

The usual swap rules ‘bring things you don’t want, leave with things you do’ apply. The swap has suggested donation of £2 entry so guests can arrive at any time and have the option to pay by contactless.

Guests are asked to use the provided hand gel on the entrance before going in and can use this after too, and are invited to wear a mask if they wish.

On entering, lay your things out neatly and choose things you’d like.Try to go through in one direction, keep things tidy and keep distance from others.

Everyone is asked to keep their distance from others and give the clothes a wash before the swap.

Clothes swaps are an informal environment which saves clothes from landfill and presents an exciting alternative to spending your money on new things from expensive shops and potentially unethical production methods.

For more information, visit the Facebook page: click here

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