Transgender Pride coming to Southampton

Transgender Pride coming to Southampton

This year, Southampton will join many other cities in having a Transgender Pride.
The event, organised by People’s Pride Southampton, will celebrate all transgender, nonbinary, genderqueer, gender fluid and gender non-conforming people.
Set to take place on October 15, the event will begin with a march from the city’ Bargate at noon, and will then march to Edmund Kell Unitarian Church for the event itself, starting officially at 1pm.
Southampton’s Transgender Pride will feature a variety of speakers from the local transgender community. There will also be table top stalls for organisations giving out advice. The venue we will also have a quiet area. Face masks will be available as the organisers are aware of the possibility of facing a growing number of Covid-19 cases this autumn.
People’s Pride run a number of event throughout the city, including the hugely successful Party in the Park in June, regular street stalls,  family fun days and a Trans Rights Protest in Southampton in 2020, following the rejection of the Gender Recognition Act reformation. They will also have a pop up shop in The Marlands shopping centre in the city for one week from October 31st.
For more information about Southampton Transgender Pride and all of People’s Pride’s events and activities, find them on Facebook:
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