Review: Murder in the Citizens’ Jury, Maskers Theatre Company

Review: Murder in the Citizens’ Jury, Maskers Theatre Company

By Martin Brisland.
Bravo to the Maskers Studio Theatre for giving the premier performances of Murder in the Citizens’ Jury. Climate change is refuted by some and ignored by many. Some activists are dismissed as being prophets of doom. It is a difficult subject to engage people with, but this play succeeds in bringing home the reality of the situation on a very practical human level.
It is written by local published author Denise Baden, a Professor of Sustainable Practice at the University of Southampton. She says: “I work in sustainability and climate change, and the more you know the scarier it is, but all the solutions are right here. Walking lightly and mindfully upon the earth is so doable. I started writing as therapy, with green solutions as the main ingredient, stories to soothe my soul.”
Denise is on the Forbes List of Climate Leaders Changing the Film and Television Industry.
Murder in the Citizens Jury, a directorial debut by Jo Fox, addresses the literally burning question of how to save ourselves from the looming climate crisis.
Eight members made up from all walks of life sit to discuss important issues in the Citizens Jury, which has been granted full legal powers. Possible fresh solutions such as personal carbon allowances are discussed, each with their own champions and detractors. Following a murder connected to knitting, it also becomes a whodunnit where everyone has a motive.
This thought-provoking play also invites the audience to help the Director of Public Prosecutions with the moral dilemma of whether to prosecute the killer. If he does, it could spell the end of Citizens’ Juries which many believe are the magic bullet to help us make decisions that will avert climate change.
At the end, the audience are asked to cast their vote.
In a strong cast there were notable performances from Emily Smith as Sarah, Matthew Meehan as Steve, and Katy de Haviland a Naomi. A particular mention too for the excellent incidental music and the digital countdown clock which gives a sense of urgency.
The play is a shortened adaptation of the TV series ‘The Assassin’ which in March 2024 won the Writing Climate: Pitchfest for Film and TV for her TV series script ‘The Assassin’. It is now under consideration by Hollywood producers.
Murder in the Citizen’s Jury runs until Saturday 22nd September at Maskers Studio Theatre, off Emsworth Road, Shirley, Southampton. There is an extra performance on Sunday 23, at 4pm plus a Q&A session with the writer. The play will also be filmed at this time.
Tickets via or 0333 666 3366.
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