Reader’s letter: So what happened in Southampton on Wednesday,7th August?

Reader’s letter: So what happened in Southampton on Wednesday,7th August?

By Jayanti Shah MBE. 

In response to the article ‘Southampton’s anti-fascist counter demonstration – last night we took our country back’

So what happened in Southampton on 7th August?
A large number of people came out to show community unity. It would have been a larger crowd but for the fear, and patronising attitude of some with the instructions “take care of Black and Brown” people; further frightening them.
Only a dozen or so protesters turned up and they were outnumbered 40 to 1 by the community.
Some elected politicians were there. Respect to those who disobeyed the instructions from the Government not to attend.
Positive is that there was a palpable sense of unity and community.
Negative is that it was a pyrrhic victory because just announcing a possible protest shut the city – shops closed, buses stopped, public servants were asked to go home early. The use or threat of action which involves or causes serious violence or serious damage to property to intimidate the public and advance a cause is TERRORISM.
Racism affects all black (and brown) people, even those who misguidedly support Reform.
We’ve seen major political parties accused of being institutionally racist, repeating the mantra that it is to do with immigration. They use language which conflates refugees, asylum seekers with immigrants; a sub-text for non-white.
Best wishes


  • Image by Nick Chaffey.
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