Magnetic Skies come to Southsea ahead of release of debut album EmpireFalling

Magnetic Skies come to Southsea ahead of release of debut album EmpireFalling

Following a string of EPs and singles, synthpop outfit Magnetic Skies are finally set to release their dramatic debut album EmpireFalling, out 3rd November and are on the road and coming to  Southsea (October 14th).

Initially setting out as a duo in 2019, Magnetic Skies was born as a studio-based project created by lead vocalist and keys player Simon Kent and Jo Womaralso on keys, driven by a shared love of 80s synth-driven post-punk. They began building their sound and continually released EPs throughout 2020

Eventually, the band began performing live, which led to guitarist Carlos Aguilar and drummer Lenin Alegriajoining the lineup, and this is the group who have created the band’s full-length release EmpireFalling. 

Simon Kent, frontman, said: ‘”The album is reflective, poetic, and it takes you on a journey lyrically, and in mood from sad nostalgia through to happiness and euphoria. I hope the listener can relate to the sounds and lyrics, find some connection on a personal level – I’d like to move them in an emotional way.  It’s nice to close the opening chapter on the band and capture the songs that evolved as the band came together from a duo to a 4-piece, and while we were learning how to work together.

Following the band’s beginnings, they continued to hone their live craft – the last couple of years have seen Magnetic Skies supporting sell-out shows for Altered Images,Heaven 17,Empathy Test and ACTORS, and releasing more singles in the run up to the release of their debut album. Among these was a collaboration with BBC 6Music favourites The KVB, resulting in more than 1,000 plays on Amazing Radio in the UK and USA. Three songs were also included on the BBC Radio “Fresh On The Net” mixtape playlists. With their 2023 single releases, Magnetic Skies have gained support from Louder Than War, God is In The TV, When The Horn Blows ,RGM and Backseat Mafia among many others. The band are also included on two influential compilations of leading electronic artists from around the globe in the Generation Blitzseries, “Concrete And Chrome” and “Generation Blitz Extended”.


Sat 14th October – The Loft, Southsea

Sun 19th November – The Lexington, London (supporting B-Movie)

Sat 25th November – The Winchester Gate, Salisbury

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