Southampton Pride returns to the city this weekend

Southampton Pride returns to the city this weekend

Southampton Pride are keen to put the protest back into pride at this year’s event, coming to the city on Saturday, August 26th.

The Pride march will be led by LGBTQIA+ activists and campaigners as it winds its way through the city centre.

A spokesperson said: “Pride was, is and will always be a protest and at a time when trans rights are being questioned, denied and demoralised on a daily basis, standing up and being heard is just as important as ever.”

Those taking part in the march are invited to begin assembling from 10am in Queens Park, before the march leaves at 11am, heading up through the city via the Bargate to Guildhall Square, arriving at around noon for an afternoon and evening of free entertainment.

Headliners Liberty X are joined by the likes of The Vivienne, Drag Syndrome, Southampton rising stars Hunting Hearts and The Dolly Show.

The event will also feature games and stalls.

For more information, visit:


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