Placeholder Poetry returns to Southampton, featuring Nasim Luczaj, Carrie Myshkin & Eden Wright

Placeholder Poetry returns to Southampton, featuring Nasim Luczaj, Carrie Myshkin & Eden Wright

Left-field poetry performances return to Southampton next month, courtesy of Placeholder and Wire Wool Events.

Wire Wool Events and Placeholder Poetry join forces once more for the fifth instalment of the hugely popular poetry evening held at The Bookshop Alehouse, Southampton.

On Thursday 10th April three original thinking poets will be sharing their unique words in the intimate basement of Portswood’s craft beer pub. 

Placeholder is home for poetry readings of the avant-garde, queer and radical. Following success in Brighton, Kat Sinclair’s Placeholder Poetry is collaborating with Southampton-based Wire Wool Events to bring left-field poetry performances to the city.

Featured poets at this event are Nasim Luczaj, Carrie Myshkin and Eden Wright.

Amy Juliet Brown (Wire Wool Event) says: ‘These poetry events have been an eye-opener and truly highlight the current appetite for new experiences. Every show has brought something new to the table, from a script-in-hand reading utilising those in the audience… to a choir of bees(!) – you never know what you’re going to get, and the next show is no different’.

Nasim Luczaj (pictured top) is a poet and Polish to English translator. She is the author of the pamphlet Hind Mouth (Earthbound Poetry Series) and the winner of the 2024 Queen Mary Wasafiri New Writing Prize for Poetry. Supported by a Poetry London Apprenticeship with Pascale Petit, she’s currently working on her first collection. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Prototype 5, Poetry London, Propel, Magma, Wasafiri, Gutter, Datableed, Tentacular, and others.

Carrie Myshkin (pictured above) is a neurodivergent writer based in Southampton with a BA in Creative Writing with Philosophy and an MA in English Literature. They have performed at a number of festivals, theatres, and poetry nights, been support act for Rob Auton and Mark Grist, and published in the University of Southern Maine’s Stonecoast Review. In 2022 they performed alongside SIREN poets as part of MAST theatre’s Emergency festival, in 2023 they performed with Tongue Fu, and in 2024 they were part of the research & development for Opera Up Close’s reimagining of Gianni Schicchi.

Eden Wright (pictured below) is a trans and neurodiverse writer-poet/scientist in progress, originally from Poole and studying in Portsmouth. When not studying or writing, they like walking, board gaming, and trying to read multiple books at once-ing. Previously, they have been published by Ambit and Young Poets Network. 

Placeholder Poetry #5: Nasim Luczaj, Carrie Myshkin, Eden Wright

3 x 20 min poetry readings

Price: £5 from, limited tickets available 

This event is a toiletries donation point for Basics Bank – please bring toiletries, tampons and towels if you are able.

A raffle will be drawn, with all proceeds going to Yellow Door 

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