Mayfield Garden Centre reopens after major revamp

Mayfield Garden Centre reopens after major revamp

Mayfield Garden Centre, part of Hampshire’s largest mental health charity Solent Mind, has officially reopened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. 

Lord Mayor, Councillor David Shields and Jude Gardner, Acting Operations Manager for Southampton Services at Mayfield Garden Centre, cut the ribbon. Members of the local community, and Solent Mind employees and volunteers also gathered for the ceremony.

The not-for-profit garden centre and horticultural wellbeing service, which supports members of the local community with their mental health, had been closed for two months whilst it carried out essential maintenance work to improve the centre and ensure its readiness for winter.

The work included the installation of a new composite roof to improve insulation, a shop refurbishment, and a kitchen extension and renovation to be able to provide an enhanced café menu.

Jude commented: “It’s so good to see Mayfield Garden Centre fully reopened. The centre has been at the heart of the local community for almost two decades, and lots of people look forward to visiting us on an almost weekly basis as part of managing their mental wellbeing.

“The work was a huge undertaking, but very important, and will allow us to provide even better support to those who need it. We look forward to welcoming people back to Mayfield Garden Centre and can’t wait to hear what they think of the improvements we’ve made.”

As a social enterprise and part of Solent Mind, the mission of Mayfield Garden Centre aims to bring about positive change for people struggling with their mental health, through gardening and volunteering.

All profits made from its café and garden centre sales go back into Mayfield Garden Centre’s wellbeing programmes, which include gardening for dementia, a men’s shed project and support for people aged 16-25 with mental health needs.

For more information about Mayfield Garden Centre and its services, visit

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