Southampton Stand Up to Racism to hold city centre counter-protest

Southampton Stand Up to Racism to hold city centre counter-protest

Southampton Stand Up to Racism is calling on the people of Southampton to take part in a demonstration in the city centre on Saturday, January 25th.

The demonstration is being held to oppose a planned march through the city centre by UKIP leader Nick Tenconi.

In December, UKIP had to call off a planned gathering in Southampton when their booking at a local pub was cancelled.

The manager of Southampton pub The View said at the time: “If they had told us what the booking was for, we wouldn’t have made it. We have no political stance and have a diverse crew.”

Tenconi has claimed that “the far-left bullied a bar in Southampton into cancelling” the event, also claiming that “weaponised students” and “second and third generation colonisers” ‘run riot’ in Southampton.

In a video following the cancellation of the December UKIP event, he said: “There will be no mercy, no diplomacy, and no surrender shown to domestic terrorists. The battle rages on and victory in war will be ours,” which has raised concerns about the peaceful – or otherwise – nature of the planned UKIP demonstration in Southampton.

Southampton Stand Up To Racism are inviting supporters to gather at the Bargate at noon on January 25th, ahead of the planned rally at the same location by UKIP later that day.


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