It really was great get together at Saturday’s Fremantle Lake Park where friends, neighbours and the local community got together in fabulous sunshine to enjoy range of stalls and entertainment (14/9/24).
The Friends of Fremantle Lake Park Group was established around six years ago with the aim of increasing the numbers of people who use the park. Yesterday’s event really helped put the local park on the map.
There was a good range of stalls and activities with Youth Options, Read Easy Southampton, crafts with Freemantle Baptist Church, Coach4u, sweets, cakes, jewellery, hair accessories stalls and dog treats from the Greyhound Lifeline.

The event was officially opened by Councillor Christie Lambert followed by a lively keep fit demo from Swoovy with Emily. There was singing from the Salty Sea Dogs, and a local band The Lah-Di-Daha’s. The Chinese Association of Southampton provided a beautiful range of music and performance. It was great to see the group perform with people of all ages taking part. Dave Shields the Lord Mayor closed the event, after drawing the very popular Friends raffle.
So many volunteers supported this event, including those out delivering leaflets, growing plants to sell, donating books, setting up gazebos and putting up bunting to decorate the park. And of course doing all behind the scenes council application forms, insurance documents and risk assessments as well as booking stalls and organising the entertainment. It was great to see the community coming together in this way.

The Friends of Freemantle Lake Park are always looking for new volunteers, so if you would like to be involved get in touch: email of find the Facebook page Friends of Freemantle Lake Park.
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