Wickham Festival move pays off

Wickham Festival move pays off

Photo credit: Striking Faces

The Wickham Festival’s switch to a new site has proved to be a huge success.

Organisers took the long-standing popular event to a new field a few hundreds yards away in a bid to avoid the mud which proved such a problem last year. And the move paid off.

Festival chief Peter Chegwyn said: “The main reason for the switch was to get a better surface if we had torrential rain – so of course it stayed dry!

“And we were very glad of it. I think we deserved that after last year. We had one light shower but dodged the deluge which caused flash flooding just a few miles away. After a difficult wet year last time round, we have come back stronger than ever.

“Even if it had rained, this new field is flatter and much better able to cope – and people seemed to love the new lay-out. It felt very natural and we have had a lot of positive feedback.

“As with any switch to a new venue there were a couple of minor teething problems which we will look at for next year but overall the festival was a huge success.

“There was a great atmosphere and it was wonderful to see so many smiling faces. And of course the music was fabulous.

“Suzi Quatro was sensational and went down so well with the crowd who loved her. She is incredible to be going that strong at 74, losing none of her power and passion.

“Similarly, Tony Christie was superb. What a polished show! You would never ever guess he is in the early stages of dementia – a true star.

“And Curtis Stigers was a slightly different act for us but was absolutely perfect for a Sunday evening. An absolute master of his craft, the fans loved him.”

Chegwyn also paid tribute to the thousands who have kept faith with the event post-Covid. More than 60 other festivals have been forced to cancel or have said this year will be their last but Wickham is still going strong.

He added: “We had a great turn-out which is important in these really tough times for the industry. So many festivals are struggling but Wickham has managed to triumph over adversity.

“Even if we do get rain we are confident this field will handle it much better so hopefully anyone who sat it out this year will return in 12 months time.

“This genuinely has been a very good festival with people coming from as far as New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, the USA, Portugal and Germany. And it was very gratifying to hear so many positive comments not just from fans but also from the artists.

“And hundreds have already booked for next year. They don’t know the exact line-up but they know it will be top quality and that our unique chilled atmosphere will remain the same – and that is our big selling point.”

Fans can save up to £100 on a weekend season ticket if they book before August 12. Full details at www.wickhamfestival.co.uk/tickets.

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