Southampton Pride returns this month with Big Pride Weekend

Southampton Pride returns this month with Big Pride Weekend

By Mabel Wellman.

On the 24th and 25th of August, Southampton Pride returns as the third and final Pride event of the season in the city.

For the first time ever, Southampton Pride will be a two day Pride event, Big Pride Weekend, similar to Pride In The Park, a Pride festival also celebrated in Southampton which was held in June.

Southampton Pride will be from 11am to 10pm on Saturday 24th August, and be from 12pm to 9pm on Sunday 25th August. It is expected that, like previous years, attendees will reach the tens of thousands. This includes people drawn from across the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as our allies who want to celebrate the accomplishments that have been made, and continue the fight for equality in spaces where LGBT rights are contested – such as the rights of transgender people (especially youths) in perpetual threat, and the protection of multiply marginalised people in the queer communities such as disabled queer people and queer people of colour.

There will be a huge variety of performances and stalls across the two days, which includes the use of the inside of the Guildhall for the first time in several years. This will allow people to spread themselves out more and allow even more to be on offer for the weekend. There will also be a variety of after party hosts, including The Edge, The Stage Door and The Hobbit for Saturday night. This is followed by: Mettricks (as an official “morning after partner”), alongside The London Hotel and Scholars Arms as official hosts for Sunday night after parties.

The march route will start from Queens Park again as it did last year, and this time go up the High Street and Above Bar Street past the Mast Studios and turn onto Commercial Street where the main entrance to Southampton Pride will be.

For more information and timings, visit the Southampton Pride website.

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