Review: Southampton Ghost Tour 

Review: Southampton Ghost Tour 

By Vicky Greer.

We’re greeted in St Michael’s Square with the sight of seagulls fighting over discarded chicken. It’s not part of the Southampton Ghost Tour, but it feels like an omen for the grisly stories to come tonight. Our haunted walk around Old Town is presented by Supernatural Tours, a group of actors and paranormal specialists who host events across Winchester, Portsmouth and Windsor. 

I’ve lived in the city for almost 6 years now, but I know very little of Southampton’s history. Tonight, we’re covering about 700 years of Southampton’s shadowy past. From the Black Death to the Second World War, we come face to face with some of the city’s most famous ghosts, brought to life by our hosts. Throughout the night, there are plenty of laughs and more than a few jump scares to keep you on your toes. 

The tour begins in one of three vaults that are dotted around the tour, each one spookier than the last. In the low light, we hear stories of the French Raids, the Bubonic plague and the victims of violence and poverty who are said to haunt the streets of the Old Town to this day. We also hear the stories of the Westgate, The Medieval Merchant’s House, The Red Lion, and more – not just their horrific histories, but also more recent tales of the spirits that are seen there today.

Although we’re not lucky enough to run into a ghost on our tour, the atmosphere is electric, thanks to our hosts. If you’re wondering how scary a ghost walk could be on a bright July evening, don’t worry. Without giving too much away, you’ll find yourself immersed in darkness soon enough. And if like me, you scare easily, you might want to bring along a friend that you’re comfortable holding onto for dear life. The third and final vault of the night is a particular highlight, bringing the evening to a close with some spectacular theatrics. 

You don’t have to believe in ghosts to have a good time on the Ghost Tour, but it certainly does make the evening magical. Supernatural Tours are fantastic hosts, combining comedy and horror to create an all-round entertaining night. The tours take place once a month and it’s certainly worth booking a spot. Whether you want to learn more about local history or you’re a fan of the paranormal, the Southampton Ghost tour is a fun night for all ages. And if you really don’t believe in ghosts – well, you might just change your mind.

For more details, visit:


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