With just 2 days to go until the General Election, on 4th July, scores of local volunteers have been out door-knocking across Southampton where they spoke to voters about climate solutions, and urged them to vote with climate and nature in mind. Polling shows that more than 70% of people in the UK plan to do this.
Climate Voter, Rosie Newey, said: ‘I’ve been affected by the flooding three times over the last few years. I just can’t bear another government who’s not serious about climate and nature and the majority of the people in Southampton Test who I’ve spoken to on the doorstep can’t either. It’s easy to get disheartened, but there are solutions, and talking to others locally who care gives me a lot of hope. It’s time we get politicians who will prioritise climate solutions that will give us lower energy bills, cleaner air, cheaper public transport, warm homes and secure jobs.’
The volunteers are part of a growing movement of Climate Voters, who have been mobilising across the country for Project Climate Vote, Greenpeace UK’s nationwide mass door-knocking programme. It aims to recruit Climate Voters ahead of Thursday’s election to call on UK political parties to strengthen their plans to tackle the climate, nature and cost of living crises now, and in years to come.
In its manifesto Greenpeace UK is calling for the next government to prioritise 6 key areas:
Warm homes – Fix the UK’s draughty homes and help poorer households to pay costly energy bills
Wind power – Power the UK with affordable home-grown renewable energy
Wheels – Roll-out cheaper and better buses and trains for healthier air
Wildlife – Stop sewage and chemicals polluting our rivers and seas, prevent overfishing and industrial farming and rewild our countryside
Workers – Make the economy work for everyone, clean up the banks and support workers into jobs in the industries of the future
World – Protect our oceans and cut plastic, protect our democracy and human rights and stop new drilling for oil and gas and tax big oil companies more to support people facing the worst climate impacts.
Rosie continued: ‘We’re a growing movement of people who all want a safe and secure future for our loved ones. If you want the same thing, then we’d love for you to join Project Climate Vote, whether it’s by putting up an ‘I’m a climate voter’ poster in your window, or joining us on the doorstep. Search Project Climate Vote, and come along to a welcome call to find out more.’
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