Trans Pride Southampton returns this weekend

Trans Pride Southampton returns this weekend

The highly anticipated summer event, Trans Pride Southampton, returns on Saturday, 29th June.

This event will start with a protest march through Southampton, starting at Oxford Street and finishing at the event’s venue, Edmund Kell Unitarian Church. The march will start from 12pm and last approximately one hour. Prior to the march, The London Hotel will be open on Oxford Street from 11am for attendees to meet and have a drink and use the facilities.

Event organiser Mabel Wellman says: it is an absolute delight having the whole trans community come together year after year. This is our biggest event yet and we are really excited to have everyone see what is on offer!

“The event at Edmund Kell Unitarian Church will have both indoor and outdoor spaces, with live music, poetry and a group of community stalls for people to enjoy. Trans Pride will conclude with a disco into the night of the 29th June. In this way Trans Pride Southampton combines the need and exercise of protest for trans rights, with the much needed space for trans people to tackle isolation within the community, make friends and celebrate Southampton’s artistic and creative culture through the live music and poetry on throughout the afternoon. There will be both inside and outside parts for people to check out.”

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