Learn to make plant-based puddings at October Books

Learn to make plant-based puddings at October Books

You don’t have to be vegan to enjoy plant-based food, especially when it’s delicious desserts!

Find out how to create your own tasty ‘afters’ at October Books’ ‘We can learn to… make vegan and plant-based desserts.

On Saturday 8th June, 11am – 12.30pm, join Lucy Parr, Cordon Bleu trained cook, who creates plant-based and allergy-friendly recipes, specifically avoiding milk, eggs, nuts and sesame seeds. Lucy has more than 800 recipes on her website Lucy’s Friendly Foods and her book, The Friendly Baker, has recently been published.

She says: ‘Many of my recipes are also suitable for a soya free and/or gluten free diet and I offer suggestions on how to substitute ingredients to make the recipes ‘ friendly’ for you’.

Lucy will be demonstrating delicious and dinner party worthy desserts that are easy but also look great.

The cost of the ticket goes towards helping to support your local independent bookshop and community space and means Southampton’s October Books can continue to run events like this.

Tickets £5, book your tickets here

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