Mothers* Rebellion – Protest in Southampton this month

Mothers* Rebellion – Protest in Southampton this month

You can join Extinction Rebellion Southampton and Parents for Future Hampshire for a Mothers* Rebellion for climate justice this month.

Mothers* Rebellion is a global, peaceful, family friendly protest where a circle of mothers* (and allies) sit down together in a public place, facing the passers-by, with signs sharing the reason they are protesting. Find out more about Mothers* Rebellion: 

The 25th May is also African Freedom Day, so this Mothers* Rebellion will be highlighting climate justice and amplifying the voices of Mothers* Rebellion circles in Africa.

Full details on the Facebook event or the Southampton Climate Action Network Event Page: Mothers* Rebellion – Protest in Southampton!

Mothers* Rebellion – Protest in Southampton- 25th May
Location: Guildhall Square
Time: 10.30am-12.30pm



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