Exhibition: Oceans on the Rise, Harbour Lights Picture House, Southampton

Exhibition: Oceans on the Rise, Harbour Lights Picture House, Southampton

A new exhibition at Harbour Lights Picture House, Southampton,seeks to find new ways to talk about climate change and its impact on our lives.

The ocean is fundamental to life on our planet, from the air we breathe to the water we drink.
Oceans are global: so too is humanity. So does being responsible for oceans mean being responsible to humanity? We all depend on water to survive. We are all responsible for caring for today’s environment and safeguarding it for the future generations. We also responsible for educating ourselves and the public about what actions we need to take to care for our ocean, which covers over 70% of the Earth.

The exhibition investigates the relationships between humans and the marine environment. The observed effects of global warming and sea-level rise and their effects on coastal populations and ecosystems is a particular concern of great relevance to a coastal city such as Southampton.

It features four local painters, a fibre Art installation artist, a ceramicist, a local glass maker a local designer specialising in up- cycling. It also includes a participatory collaborative pieces organised by HIWWT to engage visitors and an illustration created for the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) on the theme of socio-oceanography. The exhibition has been organised to take place the same month as the Pint of Science Festival
happening around the world, and runs until May 30th.


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  • Main image not in exhibition