People’s Pride Southampton to launch permanent city centre LGBTQI+ charity shop and outreach centre

People’s Pride Southampton to launch permanent city centre LGBTQI+ charity shop and outreach centre

Image by Mike Daish shows recent People’s Pride Party in the Park event. 

People’s Pride Southampton is launching a permanent LGBTQI+ charity shop and outreach centre in the Marland’s Shopping Centre.

The centre will open on Saturday July 1st 2023 at 10am. Visitors to the shop and outreach centre can expect to find the best quality and biggest range of LGBTQ+ merchandise available anywhere in Southampton and this will be available all year round. As well as this they will be offering support and advice as well as referrals to their partner organisations to anyone whom asks for help.

The launch party on Saturday 1 st July 2023 will be happening from 10am til 6m and  will include a visit from the drag queen Dixie Normous, who featured in the recent Party in the Park event, as well as offering free badge making, paint a pride rock, and you can even grab a picture in their giant deck chair that will be in the Marland’s Shopping centre by the lifts.

The shop and outreach centre has been a long time coming as People’s Pride Southampton (PPS) a local charity have been offering support and advice across many events and Southampton Market for the past 4 years or so. This move now makes it easier for them to be able to offer more confidential advice and support.

A spokesperson for PPS said “we are simply overwhelmed by the support we have gained in a short amount of time and have no plans of stopping here. We are very much in this for the long term and until there is a change in attitudes towards all LGBTQ+ people we will continue the fight. We look forward to welcoming some old faces to our new permanent home as well as some new faces too!”

If you would like to volunteer in the shop please feel free to contact PPS on 

 For more information on PPS, visit

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