Strike solidarity rally to be held in Southampton on Wednesday to coincide with country-wide strikes

Strike solidarity rally to be held in Southampton on Wednesday to coincide with country-wide strikes

Next Wednesday (February 1), hundreds of thousands of workers across the country will be taking part in strike action in defence of pay, terms and conditions, and in defence of safety standards.

Those on strike on Wednesday include teachers, university and college lecturers and tutors, railway workers, civil servants, security guards and train drivers.

In Southampton, strikers and supporters will be gathering in Guildhall Square, where a rally will be held.

A spokesperson for Southampton & South West Hampshire Trades Union Council said: “The Tory government remains committed to passing on the cost of the pandemic, war, their failures and their mishandling of the economy onto the shoulders of workers. These workers include teachers, school and education staff, lecturers, train drivers, civil servants and more.”
On the same day, the TUC has announced a national day of action in the campaign against the government’s latest announcement of their intention to attack workers rights through the criminalisation and undermining of industrial action.
Southampton & South West Hampshire Trades Union Council are supporting a rally for everyone involved in these disputes, They are inviting striking workers,   their supporters, and anyone who opposes government attacks on workers rights, to join the rally at Guildhall Square in Southampton from 11am.

The event will include speakers from the National Education Union (NEU), the UCU (University & Colleges Union), PCS (Public & Commercial Services Union), RMT (Rail, Maritime & Transport Union) and more to be confirmed. Attendees are encouraged to bring banners and flags.

For more information about Wednesday’s rally, visit the Facebook event page here.


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